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A Computational Approach to Physics
Codes and Additional Materials
Here you can find the codes for each chapter. The codes are in C programming language. If you have any comments please contact me at: or
Appendix 1: Chapter one codes:
- A CoffeCool.cpp
- B NuclearDecay.cpp
- C DoubleNuclearDecay.cpp
- D PopulationGrowth.cpp
- E PopulationMaster.cpp
- F ChemicalMaster.cpp
Appendix 2: Chapter two codes:
Appendix 3: Chapter three codes:
- A Oscillator.cpp
- B DampedOscillator.cpp
- C DrivenDampedOscillator.cpp
- D DrivenDampedPendulum.cpp
- E NonSinusoidalDrivenDampedOscillator.cpp
Appendix 4: Chapter four codes:
Appendix 5: Chapter five codes:
Appendix 6: Chapter six codes:
Appendix 7: Chapter seven codes:
Appendix 8: Chapter eight codes:
Appendix 9: Chapter nine codes:
- A 2DLJVerlet.cpp
- B 3DLJVerlet.cpp
- C RDF.cpp
- D MSD.cpp
- E VAC.cpp
Appendix 10: Chapter ten codes: